
Posts Tagged ‘PST’

PST Inventory With SCCM

09/01/2011 4 comments


We are about to implement Symantec Enterprise Vault and we need to estimate our PST size on our laptops,

So I set the Inventory Collection (Site management ->Site name -> Site settings -> Client agents (properties) -> software inventory client agent)

It will take a few days until the DB will be entered with the information we need, (I set up the software inventory schedule to run every 1 day for the first week, after i have all the information i’ll set it back to run every 7 days as the default setting)

Now There is few ways to see the PST data:

1. Use built-in report called Computers with a specific file and in the file name use %.PST

You should see something like:

2. Use Custom Report For PST as I found on System Center Forum by John Marcum

PST’s on a Client

select Sys.Name0, Sys.User_Name0, SF.FileName, SF.FilePath, SF.FileSize/1024 as Megs
from v_R_System Sys INNER JOIN v_GS_SoftwareFile SF on
Sys.ResourceID = SF.ResourceID
where SF.FileName like ‘%’+’.PST’ and Sys.Name0= @System
Order by SF.FileName

PST’s on Client Count

select Sys.Name0, Sys.User_Name0,
Count(SF.FileName) as FileCount,
Sum(SF.FileSize/1024/1024) as ‘Megs Used’
from v_R_System Sys INNER JOIN v_GS_SoftwareFile SF on
Sys.ResourceID = SF.ResourceID
where SF.FileName like ‘%’+’.PST’ and SF.FileSize/1024/1024 > 0
Group by Sys.Name0, Sys.User_Name0
having Count(SF.FileName) > 1 order by Sys.Name0 Desc

That’s It,
